The Daily Inspirational Quotes Prayers and Bible Verses app, Sancti, is a great simple to receive daily spiritual nourishment. If you are looking to strengthen your faith or seek inspiration and motivation in your daily life then this FREE app is for you.
What the Sancti offers
Daily Motivational Quotes,
Daily Prayers/Daily Devotionals
Daily Bible readings which are unique to the 365 days of the Christian calendar.
Sancti Daily Motivational Quotes
Sancti also provides life quotes that can apply really well in your Christian life. These quotes are a mix of bible quotes, quotes by famous saints and spiritual people as well as quotes by famous leaders that can teach us how to live the best version of our lives.
Sancti Daily Prayers
These prayers have been designed to enable you stay in touch with God and provide a praying culture in your life. With Sancti, you will receive daily prayer reminders and notifications that will enrich your experience with God the Almighty.
Sancti Daily Bible Verses
Sancti provides a whole list of relevant Bible verses, these bible verses are based on the Christian calendar, hence for 365 days in the year, you will receive a different Bible reading each day.
Enjoy the following features
🙏 Easy reading with the different prayer, bible verses and quotes in different sections
🤝 Easy share, share a single item (quote, prayer or reading/verse)
🏪 Save your favorite prayers, quotes or readings
📱 Create your own image and quotes cards and share with those your love
😊 Every day has specific quotes, that relate to the days reading and the prayers of the day
💕The app is suitable for all Christians as it is based on Christian teachings and content.
The app enables you to see the connection between your bible readings, prayers and even everyday quotes and motivational messages about success, love, humility and a general understanding of God.
The Sancti app is designed to be easy to use for any person out there allowing for easy reading and sharing with your friends and family. It will keep you on track in your Christian life through daily notifications sent directly to your phone.
Sancti has been designed with the view that inspiration can come from anywhere, we want to make the world a better place every day by reminding people about what is important to them.